I had been wondering for over a week why the hummingbird feeder is always empty and yet I never saw any hummingbirds around.

No, the crafty squirrel had learned that by tipping the feeder, he could lap up the nectar as fast as his little tongue could lap.
I am not sure how to get around this except lying in wait and jumping out and yelling "Cut that out!" every time he comes near. Who has time for that? So I guess he wins.
I don't know who the thief is that steals my figs every summer. Year after year, the lush harvest disappears just as it gets ripe. Overnight. Every single fig.
We have guessed possums and raccoons. Seeing a deer in our back yard one evening, Jim opined that a deer could stand on its hind feet and reach the figs. Do deer eat figs? We don't know. Besides, he said thoughtfully, some of the figs are too high for even a deer to reach. Unless they used a ladder.
Could be a giraffe, I said. Stranger things have happened.
But I don't think we'll ever know unless we sit up all night waiting for the thief to appear.
Which I might just do, because dang it! it looks like we will have a bumper crop this year. I don't mind sharing, but I would dearly love to have just a few.
Hmmm ... I wonder if squirrels eat figs?