This was the culmination of a full year of contacting authors, selling and preparing ads for our program, and doing a lot of advertising. We had a wonderful full day of author talks and workshops, followed by an evening of story telling.
I got there at 8 a.m. and returned home around 10:30 p.m. Jim was waiting up and patiently listened to me as I raved about how great it all was.
In two weeks, we will begin preparing for next year. Or not.
The question is: Do we really need to go through all this work and expense to attract so few people?
I was pondering this question when I ran into our pastor at Walmart this afternoon. After talking for a bit, we got on the subject of church attendance. He said that he once got to his small country church to find only one member there.
He held the service for that one devoted parishioner.
My feeling is that if the people who came were satisfied and expressed a desire to co me again, we should do it.
Now, I need your help. What is the best way to get the word out about this event? Here is what we did:
Posters in libraries, high schools and colleges
Newspaper articles
e-mail blasts
Asking friends to re-post on their Facebook page
Banner ad on N.C. Writers' Network website
One attendee said we should have a conference Fan page on Facebook. Sounds like a plan.
The local newspaper wrote a great article (check it out! lots of pictures!). I'm going to send the link to all the attendees who shared their e-mail address and ask them to tell their friends if they felt the conference was worthwhile.
Because I think word of mouth is the best advertisement.
If you can think of another way we can advertise this, please leave a comment.
This great opportunity is too good not to share with as many writers as possible.
The article was great-you may have done this-post to other writer's clubs websites/make calls to them? Probably already did and I missed it. I haven't done writer's club in several years.
ReplyDeleteWe partnered with UCWC and your prez was co-chairman this year.
ReplyDeleteListen to a discussion yesterday that social media was the most effective communication tool in today's world. Since I am an infrequent user of facebook, have refused to become a twitter, and do not carry a cell phone, I am one of the dinosaurs of the old days and cannot speak to that. Every group that I am involved in is having the same problem. Perhaps it is that there are so many choices of things to do. Beautiful spring Saturdays also must figure into it.
ReplyDeleteWhatever we do, we have to overcome the misinterpretation that this is for writers only. "NOT just for writers, but for all lovers of the written and spoken word." Somehow get out to all those who enjoy reading or listening to stories, including the stories of the authors' journeys and adventures. It was worth far more than the price of admission just to hear Rob Dunn, or Bob Macomber or Angela Knight or Marjorie Hudson. Each one had unique and fascinating words to share, of interest to ALL.