Today I would like you to meet Wendy Knight. She is the author of a young adult urban fantasy series called Fate on Fire. The next book in the series, Spark of a Feudling, will be released tomorrow. The book also includes a bonus story in the back.
A little about Wendy:

You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi nearby, wearing ridiculously high heels for whatever the occasion. And if everything works out just right, she will also be writing.
Here the blurb:
Hate can start a war, but a shattered heart can fuel it for
Everything Ada
does is wrong. She’s the daughter of a Duke but she isn’t proper or formal. She
prefers the company of her servants—particularly Christian, the boy she’s loved
since she was six years old, and his sister, Charity, Ada’s very best friend in
the entire world.
Ada isn’t just the daughter of a
Duke. No, she’s the daughter of one of the most powerful Edren sorcerers alive,
and no matter how strong she is, it isn’t strong enough. Ada
will give up almost everything to earn her father’s pride.
Christian has lovedAda since the
day his mother became her governess. But two societies are determined to keep
them apart—the aristocracy who say a groom will never be good enough for a Duke’s
beautiful daughter, and the sorcerers who say a Carules and an Edren can never
be together. Christian will do anything to make Ada
his—even drive himself to madness.
WhenAda suspects her father of
hurting Charity and Christian in his quest for knowledge, she is torn between
loyalty to him, and a fierce determination to protect them. The division tears
her soul and breaks her heart.
The pieces of her broken heart will start a war that can only be stopped by the death of the most powerful warrior alive by the hand of the boy who loves her.
Christian has loved
The pieces of her broken heart will start a war that can only be stopped by the death of the most powerful warrior alive by the hand of the boy who loves her.
**Bonus Story –Feudlings in Peace**Join Ari, Shane, Ada ,
and everyone they love as they chase their happily ever after.
He sprinted down the path, into
the forest, leaping over huge rocks and tree roots and through streams he
couldn’t see but his magic told him were there. He had no idea where he was
going, but there seemed to be a tether from his heart to hers — he always knew
where Ada was. He ran straight to them, nearly colliding with
her father’s guards as he raced through the thick trees.
“What happened to her?” he
bellowed, jerking Ada out of Davis ’s bloodstained arms.
“She was hit, saving me,” Harrison answered. “Can you help her?”
If there had been time, any
time at all, Christian would have paused at that. How exactly had his tiny
little Ada saved the giant Harrison ? But there wasn’t time. He laid her on the thick grass, searching for
the wound. But there was so much blood.
“There!” Davis snapped, jabbing the air above her stomach.
Flames roiled across
Christian’s hands and he held them above her, letting the flames soothe the
skin before he tried to touch it. They swirled through the air, seeping and
mending the broken, charred skin.
“Does she breathe?” Harrison asked, crouching close to put his face next to her mouth.
Christian ignored him. He
didn’t care if she breathed or not.
would breathe, or he would die with her.
“She does.” Harrison sat back, relieved.
“Can you not heal at all? Stop
the blood flow from her shoulder!” Christian snapped.
“I’m Carules and I can throw a lirik
if need be,” Christian muttered under his breath, but he couldn’t argue
with them now.
She moaned.
They all froze in shock, and
then redoubled their efforts. Davis jerked his shirt off and held it to her shoulder
while Christian’s blue flames leaped and danced from his hands, fighting the
poison eating through her body.
“Christian. I knew—” she
whispered as her skin healed, leaving only pink burns behind.
“Shhh. Don’t speak. You’re
still very weak.” He moved from her stomach to her shoulder, pushing Davis ’ shirt out of the way. It was stiff with dried blood
and she shrieked when he ripped it from the wound. “Forgive me, dear one,” he
whispered, his mouth near her temple, kissing the pain away. “Forgive me.”
“I knew… you would come. I knew
you… could heal me.” Her eyes fluttered open, dazed with pain, dark orbs barely
reflecting the moonlight.
“Always, Ada . Forever.”
Here's where you can find Wendy:
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