It was still beautiful this morning. I had hoped to take a photo of the sun rising behind a stand of silver-etched trees, but there was no sunrise, just an almost imperceptible lightening of the dull, gray sky.
Forecasters warned us all last evening that the snow we enjoyed was just a taste of what was to come, that dreaded "wintry mix" of snow, sleet, and ice. Today's snow started about an hour ago, and is coming down so thickly it looks as if I'm viewing the street through a sheet of white gauze. The roads are already covered. I don't think I will venture downtown today.
What I dread is a repeat of 2000, when we had some 14 inches of snow and power out for four days. I didn't move here from Pennsylvania for this.
But when it comes to nature, we have to take what comes. There's no bargaining, no putting off what she has in store for another day when we are more prepared.
So I'll sit back with a cup of hot tea and a book, because when we heard what was coming, we made a trek to the library and stocked up.
Jim and I know what's important to our survival.
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